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Radiograph  Proper term for an x-ray film after it has been exposed to radiation (x-ray). 

Radiolucent  An object/item/mass that appears on a radiograph that allows the x-ray to pass through it when in normal circumstances it would not. (e.g., a bone that does not look as dense as the bones around it. 

Radiopaque   An object/item/mass that appears on a radiograph that does not allow the x-ray to pass through it when in normal circumstances it would, (e.g. a bone that looks more dense than the bones around it) 

Range of Motion The range, measured in degrees of a circle, through which a joint may be moved. 

Realign  (Chiropractic Definition) to return subluxated vertebrae to a more near normal position.  

Receptor  A nerve cell that receives specific sensory information in the nervous system.




Doylestown Office

60 East State Street   Ste. 1B

Doylestown, PA 18901


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Quakertown Office

127 South 5th Street  Ste. 170

Quakertown, PA 18951