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Ligament  A band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or cartilages, serving to support and strengthen joints 

Long-lever manipulation Method of spinal manipulation in which a general technique is used to stretch or loosen several vertebrae at a time.

Lower Back Pain It is said eight out of ten of us suffer from some kind of lower back pain. Research shows that the majority of such pain is caused by a mechanical misalignment in one or more segments of the lower or lumbar spine. The spinal column provides protection for the spinal cord. It is made up of segments called "vertebra", which must be positioned correctly in order to function properly and have a normal range of motion. When the lower vertebra is out of alignment, the discs, the spines shock absorber, can swell or tear causing it to bulge or herniate. This bulging can pinch the nerve between the vertebra producing pain, numbness, tingling or burning sensations. This condition can be treated by a Doctor of Chiropractic through spinal adjustments and physical therapy/ rehab. Which can correct the misalignment in the low back region of the spinal cord.
If you are experiencing low back pain, consult a Doctor of Chiropractic for evaluation.  

Lumbar When discussing the spinal column, this refers to the region of the low back.



Doylestown Office

60 East State Street   Ste. 1B

Doylestown, PA 18901


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Quakertown Office

127 South 5th Street  Ste. 170

Quakertown, PA 18951